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15th August,Independence Day India Flag Hoisting Rules.

It is very important to know the 15th August,Independence Day India Flag Hoisting Rules. Flag Code is very important and serious matter which cannot be ignored. Whether you are arranging a Flag hoisting ceremony or going for a Flag hoisting as chief guest, make sure you and the organizers are aware about the important flag code rule of India.
The Indian National Flag represents the hopes and a
spirations of the people of
India. It is the symbol of our national pride. Over
 the last five decades, several people
including members of armed forces have ungrudgingly
 laid down their lives to keep the
tricolour flying in its full glory.
The significance of the colours and the chakra in t
he National Flag was amply
described  by  Dr.  S.  Radhakrishnan  in  the  Constituen
t  Assembly  which  unanimously
adopted the National Flag.  Dr. S. Radhakrishnan ex
plained—“Bhagwa or the saffron
colour  denotes  renunciation  of  disinterestedness. 
Our  leaders  must  be  indifferent  to
material gains and dedicate themselves to their wor
k.  The white in the centre is light, the
path of truth to guide our conduct.  The green show
s our relation to soil, our relation to
the plant life here on which all other life depends
.  The Ashoka Wheel in the center of the
white is the wheel of the law of dharma.  Truth or
satya, dharma or virtue ought to be the
controlling  principles  of  those  who  work  under  this
  flag.    Again,  the  wheel  denotes
motion.  There is death in stagnation.  There is li
fe in movement.  India should no more
resist change, it must move and go forward.   The w
heel represents the dynamism of a
peaceful change.”
      There is universal affection and respect for, and
loyalty to, the National Flag. Yet,
a perceptible lack of awareness is often noticed, n
ot only amongst people but also in the
organisations/agencies of the government, in regard
 to laws, practices and conventions
that  apply  to  the  display  of  the  National  Flag.  Apa
rt  from  non-statutory  instructions
issued by the Government from time to time, display
 of the National Flag is governed by
the  provisions  of  the  Emblems  and  Names  (Prevention
  of  Improper  Use)  Act,  1950
(No.12 of 1950) and the Prevention of Insults to Na
tional Honour Act, 1971 (No. 69 of
1971).  Flag  Code  of  India,  2002  is  an  attempt  to  br
ing  together  all  such  laws,
conventions, practices and instructions for the gui
dance and benefit of all concerned.
      For  the  sake  of  convenience,  Flag  Code  of  India,  2
002,  has  been  divided  into
three parts. Part I of the Code contains general de
scription of the National Flag. Part II of
the Code is devoted to the display of the National
Flag by members of public, private
organizations, educational institutions, etc. Part
III of the Code relates to display of the
National Flag by Central and State governments and
their organisations and agencies.
      Flag Code of India, 2002, takes effect from Januar
y 26, 2002 and supersedes the
‘Flag Code – India’ as it existed. 

 To Download Flag Rules :- Flag Rules PDF

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